#S1E10 Nostalgia & Hopes

Transcription of the episode #S1E10

Opening: 99 Posse

GoOooOOoOOooOOOoOOOoOod Morning Vietnam and Welcome back for the tenth time to MU-SI-TA-LY! Got it? musitaly.com

Episode number TEN, Guys! We should celebrate in some way. Let me think about something and I’ll let you know soon.

In this episode, the two main topics are Hopes & Nostalgia. AND … what I can tell you is that… Nostalgia points of view will be different from the common meaning. But I think you will get it.

So, let’s start with the first one.

The singers are from the beautiful city of Naples and the song we will listen to was released in the year 1993 … after exactly 2 years of occupation of a sort of garage or workshop. I don’t know what’s the proper word in this case. #sorry
For this reason, let’s call it OFFICINA.

So the guys who occupied the Officina gave it the full name of Officina 99 like the house number of the building previously occupied, not too far from there. 

Among those guys, one of them once said: “I finally stopped feeling crazy, different from the rest of the people and I started to feel part of a Community. I finally found a place that gives me hope.”

The name of this guy is Luca Persico and he also said that after the occupation, he went to Rome together with some people from the “Officina” to attend an event where he saw the performance of the music band “Onda Rossa Posse” with the song “Batti il tuo Tempo”.

Well… Once they went back to Naples, they created the 99 Posse music band.

One of the most famous songs of the band is “Curre Curre Guagliò” which represents a kind of an anthem for all the Italian generations growing between the ‘90s and 2000.

The 99 Posse are composed by: ‘O Zulù, stage name of Luca Persico, (the frontman), Marco Messina (at the Dub Master), Massimo Jovine (at the Bass) and Sacha Ricci (at the Piano).

BTW the band Onda Rossa Posse later became Assalti Frontali, but this is another story I’ll tell you in the next season and… 

One more thing, the Officina 99 has been in activity ever since.

Lyrics: 99 Posse – Curre Curre Guaglió

Part 2: Raphael Gualazzi

“Curre Curre Guaglió” which means Run Run Dude.

I love this song and I have been listening to it since 1991. And you know what? It’s always like the first time for me.

And then …when I listen to it I start thinking about the past, the time, the hopes, the dreams, the memories …I think there is a name for this kind of moment. Nostalgia.

The next song is exactly about the same feeling. When you think something will be back. Something such as stylus pens, short skirts or outdoor cinema. Otherwise, when you think of someone like Fellini, Andy Warhol and John Wayne will be back. 

Just like the name of the next song: L’Estate di John Wayne, John Wayne’s Summer, sung by Raphael Gualazzi.

The singer of this song is one of the most talented Italian modern songwriters and pianists and I am sure you will enjoy the rhythm.

Lyrics: Raphael Gualazzi – L’estate di John Wayne

Part 3: Meganoidi

E poi ricominciare … 

Nice song, but before moving on to the third song, let’s repeat together all the social accounts:

@Musitaly on the main Social Networks to follow all the Musitaly project initiative,
@Cocopraise if you want to follow me and all the stuff I do aside from Musitaly’s Project.

As usual, don’t forget to visit musitaly.com to read the transcriptions of all the episodes, the lyrics and the explanation of the songs played during the episodes.

I will also appreciate it very much if you will let me know if you like the music selection through the hashtag #musitaly


#cocochosebetter if you don’t like the songs
#cocoyoutheking if you think the music selection is CooL.

If you will do it, I will bring you the real nduja and red chillies from Calabria.

Su … Do it. 

Vabbé let’s move onto the third song of this episode about Nostalgia and Hopes. Like the next one.

People, please meet The Meganoidi.

They got their name from the villains of the Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3, a Japanese anime television series created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate, and animated by Sunrise.

I apologize for the worst Japanese pronunciation ever.

BTW I really loved that series.

The name of the song we will listen to is Zeta Reticoli and, to be honest, there are few meanings of this song, in fact, the lyric is not very clear. But I think it’s a good song just because of the lyrics.

BTW what is sure is …the song was released after G8 Genoa facts.

The 27th G8 Summit took place in Italy in the city of Genoa from the 20th until the 22nd of July in 2001, and we will always be remembered as the highest point reached in the global anti-globalization movement as well as for human rights violations against demonstrators.

Unfortunately, it will also be remembered for the death of the 23-year-old Italian boy named Carlo Giuliani.

The song, in fact, talks about a “lake of blood called freedom” and of something that still burns.

BUT, they say

Do not fear, Zeta Reticoli on my mind
I will wait for the moment for a better boost

So, with this hope, I wish you Buon Ascolto for one of the most iconic Italian songs.

Lyrics: Meganoidi – Zeta Reticoli

Part 4: Gino Paoli

Guys, I suggest you take a look at the transcription of this episode where you will find the lyrics of the songs with both translation and explanation.

And, please, do the same for the next song.

I start simply saying his name. Gino Paoli. He, like the Meganoidi we listened to a few moments ago, comes from the city of Genoa and, of course, he is another monument of the Italian Music.

Well, to be honest, he was born in Monfalcone, in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, but his family moved to Genoa after he was born.

Gino Paoli was many things in his life. First of all, he is part of what some people call Genoa’s School composed of great artists such as Fabrizio De André or Luigi Tenco.

He also went to the Italian Parliament as a deputy for an independent left party between 1987 and 1992.
BTW for some Italian guy, 1992 is the year in which something happened.

1992 is famous for “Mani Pulite”, a nationwide judicial investigation into political corruption in Italy but 1992 is also the same year that something happened aboard Queen Elizabeth II’s yacht, Britannia.

Gino Paoli has written songs for many famous Italian singers such as Mina, Ornella Vanoni, Sergio Endrigo, Gianni Morandi, Patty Pravo, Franco Battiato, Zucchero and Marco Masini, just to name few. 

However, Gino Paoli also experienced very bad moments in his life like alcoholism and for a few years, his career was in decline. He staged different gigs on a low budget.


on the 11th of July 1963, he also attempts suicide by shooting himself with a gun but he survived. Think about it. Since then he has the same bullet close to his heart. The doctor didn’t try to get it out because it was too dangerous.

So, Guys, we have all the ingredients for what Vasco Rossi could call “Una Vita Spericolata”, a reckless life.

The song we will listen to is Quattro Amici, Four Friends, which takes place in one of the most iconic and common places in Italy where you can socialize with everybody. A place we simply call BAR.

This song tells the story of four friends at the bar committed to change this world.

But, do you know what? One of them found a job in a bank.
And then there three of them left were left.
But do you know what? One of them went to the beach with his girlfriend.

And then there were two of them were left.

But, do you know what? The rest of the group was at home and the singer was left alone in the bar.

But, do you know what? The singer, alone at the bar, heard a group of four friends sitting at another table talking about how to change this world.

I think this is the circle of life. When we are young we are full of dreams and hope, but as time goes by someone decides to leave their dream for a safe job, a safe relationship, anything safe and you are left on your own with your dreams and your hope.

The song ends with a homage or tribute to the famous song Reckless Life sung by Vasco Rossi:

And then we will find ourselves like stars
Drinking a whisky at the Roxy bar
Or maybe we will never meet.
Everyone will pursue his troubles,
Everyone on his way,
Everyone is different
And everyone is lost
Inside of his things.

Lyrics: Gino Paoli – Quattro Amici al Bar

Part 5: 883

So Guys, what kind of people do you think you are? Are you still following your dreams? I hope so.

As the last song of the day, I chose a famous song sung by 883 as the well-known engine of Sporter’s Harley Davidson iconic model. In fact, Max Pezzali, the frontman of the group that no longer exists is a Harley-Davidson motorcycle addict.

He started his career in 1991 by founding the musical group 883 with Mauro Repetto singing one of their most famous songs ‘Hanno ucciso l’Uomo Ragno’, They killed Spider-Man.

Then Mauro Repetto, the co-writer of the first 883’ songs, left the group.

Maybe because for the audience he was just the guy who jumped dancing on stage ignoring his talent behind the stage. Who knows.

Then for personal reasons, he decided to move abroad, so Max Pezzali managed the music project by himself bringing new members into the musical group. Two of them were the famous and talented Italian singers Paola & Chiara. 

BTW Paola & Chiara are one of the reasons why I started this project and I would like to officially thank them: Grazie ❤️.

The last song of the day is Gli Anni, The Years. This song is about nostalgia. That kind of feeling you get when you think about yourself when you were young. Your friends, your freedom and everything you experienced and lived. 

The nostalgia about the past and regret for the past times that will never come back.

Lyrics: 883 – Gli Anni


Mi raccomando … non prendertertela a male. Life is always Beautiful and as that wise old cowboy once said to the young and rebel cowboy: there is no better life. Exist only The Life.

Vabbe’ Cocosophy a parte this one was the fifth song played since the beginning of this crazy project born almost by chance.

I would like to say Thank You to each one of you for listening to me until the end of this episode.

The next one will be the last of this season. 

But please, don’t be mad. Many exciting surprises are on the way. Just follow Musitaly.

So, Beautiful People, in the meantime we look forward to next week.

Always remember you are Marvelous.

Love You …

Don’t Forget Me.


By Cocopraise

Studio, Lavoro, imprenDisco! Original Italian Brain. Born & raised in the South of Italy. Developed by Bello di Mamma!